Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rubberband Back Too You.

She would say “it’s the smell of his hair, the strength in his back; each moment he appears from this light that keeps me running.” Disposable you may refer to some, but this one; definitely not.  Most would call him charming, contrary to those who think of it as deceitful. Aware of the spark she knew her heart had this intense pressure, and passion. As in, this could be it. Perhaps soon enough she’d be capable of raining her feelings towards him without it coming off with an antic disposition or promiscuous action. With that said, she kept asking herself “When will my time come?” Sat, waiting patiently, in silence. They say “The humble keep quiet” I boggle over the thought of it. So many words to be said and not enough time in day. It’s unbelievable how frantic some individuals get and in order to keep composure, then again; must stay emotionless silent.
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During her time of waiting, she would dread the fact that she would have to be assured by him constantly; for one to know he’s interested. All day long she showers him with love and kindness, and as much understanding possible. Should she not expect too much from a man? Offhanded he seems to be when she tries to accommodate and be that optimism in his life. Up and down he swears that it’s not her, merely she has gone mad. Would he also bring a conspiracy in some shape and form that would cause an outrageous break that neither would want to run into? Should you stay or should you go. Skipping down the windy road with an artificial grin, resulting in his game of cat and mouse, and to deny you disagree is just disrespecting your morals and standards of who your character truly is. When will the time come where enough is enough?
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Like a magnet Point A always ends up back with Point B, even when pulled away for distance. For a heart, shouldn’t it grow fonder when away? She had a difficult time keeping her distance for all the love in her heart for him; although for him to notice, it’s probably the best resolution too just walk away for a while. Do what makes you happy and watch others observe the happiness and light instilled with you.
. . .
Still I wait patiently and waiting. Hoping that the best is yet to come, and the wait shall be worth the while. Giving all of me, presenting him what I could be for him. Nevertheless, one day it will be noticed, all things come in time during the seasons of bliss.
And for the fairy tell happy ending, it is still yet to come.
. . .

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