Monday, April 16, 2012

Issac and Isaiah

     My Loves; I do believe i failed you, And i apologize for letting you down. The feeling of emptiness, and shame has poured over my heart for you two boys the day april 2nd rolled around. There has been so much pain and hurt through these past two weeks, but you two have changed my outlook on life and things that matter.. It was a scary thing to experience and see but i never regret the pain, only the fact that i have lost you. Not being able to acknowledge the fact that you were on your ways to becoming my two and only <3 Guilty i couldn't for one second here your breath, or even your cries. All i wanted to be was the mother i was destined to be for you, and teach you all the things my mother didn't know how to teach me. I love you guys and you will always be forever in my heart, i think about you everyday i'm able to breathe. I'll be seeing you in heaven.

My twin babies <3